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Planning Board Minutes 05/05/2005

(603) 798-4350

MAY 5, 2005

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Joanna McIntosh, Mike Stamowlaros, Mike Paveglio, Stan Brehm, Brad Towle, Tom Jameson, and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board, and stated that all members present will be voting, and requested they review the minutes of April 7, 2005, changes were made to the minutes as follows:  Page 2 under Mahlstedt/Goosbay Lumber third line after 60 feet end the sentence and begin the next sentence with Both.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with the changes.

                Towle/Stamowlaros                       (PASSED)

        Moving Unit
        Map 3, Lot 68, Dover Road

Abutters Present: Shirley Waters and Bruce Merrill

Mr. Austin presented plans to the Board and explained that he was moving one unit from the existing house and creating a new house. There will not be an increase in the number of units just the number of buildings.  The Board requested last month that the Town Engineer review the change and report back to the Board. The letter from Bill Rollins at Vollmer reports that the common area is sufficient to meet the zoning regulations.

Mr. Austin was also asked to produce documentation for the Board stating he is the Corporations spokesperson. Mr. Austin gave the Board a letter from Bruce Gatchel stating that Mr. Austin was the spokesman of the corporation.

There are outstanding issues with State of New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, which is a concern. Mr. Austin produced a letter granting him an extension to remedy the issues by May 13, 2005 and Mr. Austin feels that will be sufficient time.

Mr. Austin also discussed the issue of building the model. The Board was in agreement that it was discussed in March that he could build the model with the conditions stated being met.

Being no further discussion and the Board being in agreement that the plans are conforming to the current zoning a motion was made to accept the additional building unit.

        Jameson/Towle           (PASSED)
DISCUSSION:     David Hartley
        Blueberry Hill Plaza
        Map 9, Lot 91A, Suncook Valley Road

Mr. Hartley came to the Board for some guidance on his new sign. He understands the size and lighting portion of the zoning and will remain in compliance with the current zoning. He would like to know however how close to Route 28 he could put the sign. He was referred to State of New Hampshire, Department of Transportation, District 5.

No public hearings are needed for the new sign.

DISCUSSION:     David Hartley
        Site Review – Internal Building Storage Units
        Blueberry Hill Plaza
        Map 9, Lot 91A, Suncook Valley Road

Mr. Hartley would like to have 8 to 10 internal storage units in his building. The space is already used for storage Mr. Hartley would just like to create actual units for rent. The Board was in agreement that is a multi use building and as long as he meets fire and building codes he would not need a site review for the existing use.

Mr. Hartley was requested to meet with the Fire Chief and the Building Inspector and provide the Planning Board with a sketch of the units.

DISCUSSION:     Robert & Kathleen Gagne
        Map 7, Lot 12, Ferrin Road

Surveyor David Noyes presented plans to the Board for a lot line adjustment as originally submitted last year which attached the larger parcel of land to the sons property. The Board of Adjustment has granted a Variance to Section P – Wetlands for this lot.

Chairman Scott is still concerned about the wetlands but feels there is nothing the Board can do at this point in time because the Variance has been granted and has removed all issues of wetlands for this property.

Mr. Noyes now presents the Board with another plan for subdivision because they will be creating a new lot. The large parcel will only be accessible through a right-of –way therefore creating a backlands lot.

Design Review/Public Hearing set for June.

DISCUSSION:     Theresa Brown
        Subdivision –
        Map 7 Lot 35, Ferrin Road

Unable to attend. No action taken.

DISCUSSION:     Cameron Hebert
        Residence on property
        Map 3, Lot 36, Dover Road

Mr. Hebert is before the Board tonight to discuss the letter from the Town Attorney. The Board is in agreement with the attorney that the road does not exist therefore there is no frontage on Route 4.

Letter to deny building on property based on letter received from the Town Attorney.

DISCUSSION:     Jeanne Viall – Marc Chronis Property
        Site Review – Rental Business
        Map 4, Lot 155B, Dover & Cross Roads

Letter to selectmen with concerns on the Vialls/Chronis property, still no site review for the rental business. Was on agenda for tonight called and said not ready. There is site work being done and there are wet areas to be concerned about.

DISCUSSION:     Min & John /Fred Moses Property
        Map 4, Lot 161, Dover Road
Unable to attend. No action taken.

New Business:

99 Dover Road, question if it is at Elisa’ Pizza we have a request from the state for a Bonded Retail Vehicle Dealer for Skyway Motors, Chairman Scott signed the form to the state requesting them to deny based on non compliance to current zoning.

Drew property, Horse Corner Road, behind Hess, Full of RV’s no site review. The Board feels that it is a temporary site for some reason. Mike P. will touch base with the people at Myers RV, Andrea will send a letter to the Selectmen requesting they check into it also.

Letter to selectmen regarding Super Shoes quoting the minutes of March 3, 2005.

Letter of concern with amount of cars in woods at Ray’s Auto.

Board volunteer placements have been made, committees will soon be holding meetings. Requests to Regional Planning to help with Zoning and CIP.


Board would like to hold a discussion with the ZBA and selectmen.

Being no further business motion was made to adjourn.

        Brehm/Towle             (PASSED)

Meeting adjourned at 9:40pm.

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Tracy Scott